The right bed linen to sleep

No matter whether you have just bought a motorhome or have been on tour for years: If you want to sleep comfortably and relaxed in a camper, you should have a comfortable mattress and the right bed linen on board. In this article we introduce you to different materials and explain which fabric is best for which season. You will also learn what you can do if your bed has a special size or is equipped with split mattresses.

Sheets and fitted sheets – a real challenge for special sizes!

As with bed linen, which I will discuss in more detail below, there are also different materials, designs and quality levels for bed sheets. As a rule, we ourselves use fitted sheets (so-called stretchable fabrics), but there are also non-expandable fabrics in the assortment of different suppliers that are simply folded under.

Jersey fitted sheets are probably the most widely used stretch fabrics. Mako satin is very popular among non stretch fabrics because of its shine and more intense colours. In addition, non-expandable materials such as Mako Satin have the advantage that, for example, the corners of lighter mattresses are not compressed or lifted, as is often the case with fitted sheets that are a little too small. You can find more information about the individual fabrics further down in the text.

If you are also one of the “lucky ones” whose caravan or camper bed deviates from the standard dimensions or is equipped with split mattresses, you will be faced with another special challenge. Covering camper beds is no fun even with normal sizes, because you can usually only reach the mattress from one side and first have to crawl onto the bed to pull the sheets halfway over the corners.

With special sizes it gets even more difficult: If you can’t sew something yourself, you have to stuff the excess fabric of conventional sheets under the mattress parts in such a way that they don’t slip out all the time and hang around limply. Our earlier strategy was to buy the sheets one size larger and then lift the mattress to knock the overhang under. We “secured” the fabric against slipping with converted braces, but this was very cumbersome and sometimes led to small tears in the sheet.

In this configurator you can enter not only length and width, but even the mattress height – because this also differs from camping vehicle to camping vehicle sometimes considerably. Since you can store your special measurements here “steplessly” and centimetre-precisely, this should also solve particularly difficult cases.

Choose the right blanket

Now that you’ve hopefully found the right fitted sheet for you, I’d like to briefly address another important point: the right duvet (also called “inlet” or “duvet”).

Because the bed linen, for which you get a lot of information, is only the “dress”. If the quality of the blanket is inferior or too thick or too thin, the covers can no longer align in case of doubt. With a bulky duvet, you can choose as fine a cooling bed linen as you want – the material will still have no chance of equalizing the temperature. Conversely, even three layers of flannel on a light summer blanket won’t really help – you’ll probably still freeze. The same applies to synthetic fibres: If the blanket is made of polyester or another synthetic material, the breathability of the covers is usually not sufficient to completely prevent unpleasant sweating during sleep.

That’s why it’s crucial for the desired effect, whether warming or cooling, that you make sure that the top bed is made of high-quality material that is suitable for the season and that you combine the corresponding covers in a sensible way.

You probably also have a summer and winter bed at home. If you don’t want to buy your own blanket for your camper, you can simply pack the right version for the season from there.

Another alternative would be a year-round blanket that you can leave in your camper right away. We’ve come to terms with this very well for a long time – at that time we weren’t in the caravan all year round and weren’t exposed to such extreme temperature differences. Another advantage is that you don’t have to think about packing the blanket every time you go camping.

Like an all-season car tyre, an all-season blanket is always a compromise solution and you have to accept certain compromises in both summer and winter. Get more information from and learn about Earthing Sheets.


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